Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'd Prefer You Call Me Reptile Girl...

So, earlier today I had my first summer class at my job. I'm teaching an art/art history class in the morning and then a guy teaches the afternoon. It was pretty hectic getting ready (read double the amount of kids I had prepped for). I was a little nervous and trying to decide if I wanted to actually try to learn all their names or just fake it for the three days I'm teaching them. The jury is still out on this topic. I did ask the kids to go around and introduce themselves. During introductions, a young lady, who I will call Monica (by the time I wanted to relate this story, I could no longer remember her real name) announced to the class and myself, "My name is Monica. I prefer to go by Reptile Girl or Snake Girl because I really like snakes." I smiled and moved on. Weirdly enough, I think she is very serious about this name change. Her portfolio has only her (super-hero) (scratch that - sidekick) name, Reptile Girl. She also signs her art Reptile Girl. If she could retain this quirky identity into her adult years, she might actually make it in the Contemporary Art  world. She has decent talent, an eye for color, and real knack for phrasing. All these attributes combined with a distinctive artist's name could take her far. Mark my words, one day you will all be wishing you could be Reptile Girl's art work that is up at auction at Christie's or Sotheby's. Until then, I will contemplate whether or not to call her Reptile Girl or avoid having to call her anything at all.