Monday, June 4, 2012

Commencement Speeches

The other week, I was back in Colorado sitting at the World Arena watching my little brother graduate from high school. It was so fantastic to celebrate that occasion with him and I am so glad I was able to go. I was slightly shocked to find out that one of the teachers who spoke at his commencement went to high school with me (talk about feeling old)...

Anyway, there were seven speeches at his graduation and I thought at least three of them actually had inspiring, motivating, and truthful advice in them. Today on NPR, I found a college commencement speech that I thought was equally moving and I wanted to share. Here's an excerpt:

"Here's the point: When you are trying to create a version of yourself that will one day make you happy, half the battle isknow your insides — know your pleasures.
And the other half is to know your outsides — to find allies, partners, mentors.
You don't become yourself by yourself. You become you, boosted on others' shoulders, buoyed by others' smiles. You may be a singular person, but your success will always be plural."
By Robert Krulwich
To check out the rest of the speech, go here.
Have you had a moving graduation experience??