Last year, I started out doing the Siesta Scripture Memory Team with Beth Moore and the other siestas on her blog. I had the best of intentions, but stopped memorizing and picking somewhere around month five. I'm not really sure why I did that, but I did. My awesome mom kept going and when she mentioned it this year, I just knew I had to try again and to do better.
The big difference between this year and last year is this year I am back in school and working brain something fierce. So, I decided to set a doable goal (a practice I have perfected with my amazing long distance work out buddy, Allie). So, my goal for the SSMT is this: I will faithfully pick out a verse on the 1st and 15th of the month. I will do my best to memorize these scriptures, but will mainly just be reading them before I go to bed at night. As I told my mom, I will not cry over spilt milk if they do not get memorized. My goal is to be purposeful and faithful by remembering to pick out the verse and reading them faithfully at night. My tactic is working so far and my first two verses of the year are already up in the mental lock box.
If you're interested in the SSMT, go check out Beth Moore's instructions here. If you just want a great blog to read that is encouraging, real, and uplifting you should still check out Beth Moore's blog!