Friday, July 15, 2011

Kicking My Booty In Gear - The Shred-tastic Challenge

I have loved the Run for the Bling of It Challenge. It has been such a motivation to get myself out there and really run. Unfortunately for me, I live in Coastal TX and the past couple months have been so hot that I've put my running on hold till the hubs and I move to NM. I'm not a fan of treadmills and our current base gym does not have an indoor track. Unfortunately for me lack of running, stress eating, stress in general, and some rando personal issues have lead to my pants being tighter than I like to admit to. It's nothing horrific, but certainly enough to bother me.

Since we won't be headed out there till September I knew I needed to get myself under control and find some kind of consistent work out activity. Then I realized I keep seeing friends talk about this Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred video. I did a little research, read a ton of reviews, and decided to try out this video. I wanted to make it easy to keep track of the days, so I figured I'd start on Aug. 1st. I was so excited I told my friend E during our Starbucks date. She and I decided we'd shred together. Then I was even more excited and I told my friend Allie over at a tsp of life. She came up with the idea of doing a group fitness challenge! I thought that sounded awesome. Who doesn't want great accountability. So lots of texts and google chats later, Allie came up with guidelines and a sweet graph to keep track of your results.

Since we're so excited about this, we decided to open up this challenge to anyone who would like to join. There are no prizes except for us talking about all the people who keep it up every day on our blogs. There will be a winner if you choose to send us your results, but the winner only gets lots of online kudos and of course BRAGGING RIGHTS.

If you're interested in shredding with us starting Aug. 1st, check out my tab titled "Shred-tastic Challenge" or go here. The tab has all the details and guidelines. The more the merrier, so commit to shredding and get ready to get  your booties in gear with us!